Chicagoland Cloud


IRS Looking To Tax BitCoin Users

In 2014, the IRS put BitCoin users on notice. They were informed that they had to report all BitCoin gains on their taxes. The Federal Agency considers them to be property, and ...

Internet On Your Next Flight Might Be Significantly Faster

If you’re a frequent flyer on American Airlines, then you’re probably already aware of one of that company’s biggest drawbacks. Their in-flight Wi-Fi is notoriously slow. The company has been in partnership ...

Bank Regulator Downloads Data To Thumb Drive, Then Loses It

This is how something as innocuous as a thumb drive can become a major security issue. Recently, it has come to light that a soon-to-be retiring regulator at the Office of the ...

Majority Of Employees Unsure How To Deal With Sensitive Information

What percentage of your employees know how to properly handle sensitive information? The answer is “probably a lot less than you think.” In a recent survey conducted by MediaPro, it was discovered ...

Information Sharing Rules Change Affects Internet Service Providers

A new FCC ruling changes the game for Internet Service Providers around the country, which limits their ability to share or sell the information they have on the people who use their ...

AtomBombing Attack Could Be Huge Threat To Windows PCs

Researchers at a cyber security company called EnSilo have found a new vulnerability in Windows PCs, and it’s about as bad as it could possibly get. The new attack vector does not ...

Sad Day For Vine Video Users: Service To Shut Down

Vine, one of the many properties owned by Twitter, is dead, after the company tried unsuccessfully to find a buyer for the struggling service. If you’re a Vine regular, you’ve probably sensed ...

New Twitter Link Hack Calls 911 From Your Mobile Device

There’s a new viral link making the rounds on Twitter that you should advise your staff to steer clear of. If you see a link that begins with “,” don’t click it. ...

Cybercrime Has Affected 45% of Consumers: Are You Next?

It has been widely reported that cybercrime is one of the fastest growing types of crime on the planet today, but new statistics published by MarkMonitor’s Online Fraud Barometer indicate that it’s ...

New DSL Type May See Faster Speeds In Near Future

If you’re a VDSL user, there’s good news on the horizon. Recently, Nokia has announced some amazing increases in its speeds, achieving up to 5Gbps (about 625MB per second) over 70 ...


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